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When checking the bus seats, what are you looking for?

Possible Answers:

To see if they have been removed
To insure they are securely fastened to the bus
To insure the seat and back portions are not loose
All answers are correct
All answers are correct
The seats must be safe for riders. All seats must be securely fastened to the bus, and not lose or missing.

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  1. When checking the bus seats, what are you looking for?
  2. You are checking your steering and exhaust systems for a pre-trip inspection. Which of these statements is true?
  3. If you have a hazardous fire, you should?
  4. Blocking your cargo to keep it from sliding must be done:
  5. You should use your mirrors to check:
  6. For your safety, when setting out reflective triangles you should:
  7. What is the average perception distance?
  8. Which of these pieces of emergency equipment should always be carried in your vehicle?
  9. Which of these statements about accelerating is true?
  10. The most important reason for being alert to hazards is so:
  11. Which of these statements about downshifting for a long downhill grade is true?
  12. Whether you load and secure your load yourself, you are responsible for:
  13. You are checking your tires for a pre-trip inspection. Which of these statements is true?
  14. Cargo inspections:
  15. Which of these will help keep an engine cool in hot weather?
  16. You must park on the side of a level, straight, two lane road. Where should you place the three reflective triangles?
  17. Hazardous materials placards are
  18. The minimum tire tread depth for front tires is
  19. An antilock braking system (ABS) will
  20. Which of the following statements about retarders are correct?
  21. You are driving a heavy vehicle and must exit a highway using an off ramp that curves downhill. You should
  22. According to the driver's manual, why should you limit the use of your horn?
  23. If you do not have a CB radio, what is the first thing you should do at an accident scene?
  24. The oil pressure gauge should come up to normal within how long after starting the engine?
  25. The distance your vehicle travels from the time your eyes see a hazard to the time your brain recognizes it is called _______ distance.
  26. Stab braking should not be used on vehicles with
  27. When should you downshift an automatic transmission?
  28. What is a "pull-up?"
  29. When must you wear a seat belt?
  30. When you drive in the mountains, you will have to use lower gears to drive safely down grades. Which of these does NOT affect your choice of gears?
  31. Serious traffic violations that can cause your CDL license to be suspended include
  32. There are certain types of vehicle inspection, including
  33. Why should you signal continuously while turning?
  34. You are driving on a two-lane road. An oncoming vehicle drifts into your lane and is headed straight for you. Which of the following should you do?
  35. Which of these statements is true about causes of vehicle fires?
  36. What three things related to cargo are the driver's responsibility?
  37. What is your most valuable way to see the sides and rear while driving?
  38. When checking lights, you should
  39. On a two-way, two-lane road, if you must stop on a hill, how far back should you place your reflective triangles?
  40. Name some things you should check on the FRONT of your vehicle during your pre-trip inspection.
  41. A vehicle is loaded with most of the weight on the steering axle. What may result?
  42. Which of the following best describes how sleep debt can be paid off?
  43. How can you avoid wet brake problems?
  44. When you start to drive down a steep downgrade, which of the following should influence your choice of speed?
  45. Always try to back toward the driver's side because
  46. On which of the following types of fires should you NOT use a B:C fire extinguisher?
  47. You do not have a hazardous materials endorsement on your commercial driver's license. You are asked to haul hazardous materials in a placarded vehicle. You should:
  48. You are testing the stopping action of service brakes on a hydraulic system. Which of these can mean there is a problem?
  49. The center of gravity of a load:
  50. As part of your pre-trip inspection; you must