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¿Que debes hacer si te quedas atascado en las vias del ferrocarril?

Possible Answers:

permanezca en su vehiculo.
gritar para pedir ayuda.
sal de tu vehiculo y alejate de las vias.
sal de tu vehiculo y alejate de las vias.
úmero DOT, si se contabiliza.

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  1. What should you do if you get stuck on the railroad tracks?
  2. What is the minimum tread depth for tires other than front tires?
  3. The distance that you should look ahead of your vehicle while driving is about _______ at highway speed.
  4. The total weight of the powered unit, the trailer, and the cargo is called
  5. The reaction distance is the distance traveled from the time
  6. In your mirror, you see a car approaching from the rear. The next time you check your mirror, you don't see the car. To change lanes, you should
  7. Stab braking
  8. Can federal inspectors inspect your truck or bus?
  9. If you are driving a long distance, you should
  10. If you have a heavy load that is slowing you down on an upgrade, you should
  11. Cargo that can shift should have at least __ tie-down(s).
  12. Converter dollies built on or after March 1, 1998 are required to have anti-lock brakes. These dollies will have
  13. Why is it important to use a helper when backing?
  14. How long does it take a typical tractor-trailer to clear a double railroad track?
  15. What is the definition of a hazard?
  16. To maintain alertness on your trips, you should
  17. Where should you place your warning devices if you must stop on a one-way road or divided highway?
  18. Letting the air out of hot tires
  19. If you are traveling at 55 mph in a 30-foot vehicle, you should leave how many seconds of following distance?
  20. You are checking your tires for a pre-trip inspection. Which of these statements is true?
  21. To give adequate warning when passing someone, you should?
  22. The purpose of a baffle is to:
  23. Which of these statements about staying alert is true?
  24. Which of these items is checked in a pre-trip inspection?
  25. Brake fade:
  26. Retarders:
  27. The first step to take if your vehicle catches fire while driving is:
  28. You are driving in the right lane of a four-lane undivided road, you come over a hill and find a car stopped ahead in your lane. You do not have room to stop, and the hill blocks your view to the rear. Which of these is most likely the best action to take?
  29. Which of these tell you that cargo contains hazardous materials?
  30. Medical certificates must be renewed every:
  31. Which of these statements about overhead clearance is true?
  32. If you are stopped at a roadside rest and found to have a BAC or blood alcohol concentration of .02 you will:
  33. You should avoid driving through deep puddles or flowing water. But if you must, which of these steps can help keep your brakes working?
  34. Which of these describes how you should use the brake pedal on a steep downhill grade?
  35. Which of these statements about backing a heavy vehicle is true?
  36. An en-route inspection should include checking:
  37. To avoid a crash, you had to drive onto the right shoulder. You are now driving at 40 mph on the shoulder. How should you move back onto the pavement?
  38. What is average effective braking distance time?
  39. Overloading can have a bad effect on?
  40. "Reaction distance" is the distance traveled from the time:
  41. Controlled braking:
  42. Retarders:
  43. You are starting your vehicle in motion from a stop, as you apply power to the drive wheels they start to spin. You should:
  44. Where should your ignition key be during your pre-trip inspection?
  45. When driving in fog, you should be going?
  46. Which of these is a good rule to follow when steering to avoid a crash?
  47. Every time you park your vehicle and shut the engine off you should:
  48. Which item below lists almost all or all the emergency equipment that is required on a school bus?
  49. The key principle in balancing cargo weight is to keep the load:
  50. Which of these can help you stay alert while driving?