Crist CDL free online BVM practice tests
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AZ Pasajeros Fact Sheet
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15 a 50 pies antes de un cruce ferroviario
5 a 10 pies antes de un cruce ferroviario
20 a 25 pies antes de un cruce ferroviario
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15 a 50 pies antes de un cruce ferroviario
ús entre 15 y 50 pies antes de cruzar el ferrocarril. Escuche y mire en ambas direcciones para los trenes.

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  1. You must stop your bus between:
  2. You need to evacuate your bus in an emergency, passengers should be directed to a safe place no less than _____ feet from the bus.
  3. Off tracking of the rear wheels is affected by:
  4. Your bus is disabled. The bus, with riders aboard, may be towed or pushed to a safe place only:
  5. When driving at more than 40 mph, what is the safe minimum following distance for ideal daytime conditions?
  6. If you have riders aboard, you must never fuel your bus:
  7. Carry-on baggage cannot be stored:
  8. The driver's seat should be adjusted:
  9. Buses may have recapped or re-grooved tires:
  10. When you are not sure who has the right of way, the safest course of action is to:
  11. Commercial bus drivers must have a CDL if:
  12. The interlock system for the brake and accelerator on a transit coach may be used:
  13. According to federal regulations, the minimum depth required for tire tread on steering axle tires is _____ of an inch.
  14. Which of these forms of signaling is not recommended?
  15. The standee line is:
  16. All the following should be in good working order before driving. Which item must be in good working order before the bus can leave?
  17. At the end of each shift you should:
  18. Before you start to drive, you must inspect all of the following EXCEPT
  19. The traffic light on a drawbridge is green. You should
  20. If you are performing your vehicle inspection test on a coach or transit bus, you will have to inspect the baggage compartments and make sure that the baggage compartment doors ________ securely.
  21. Bus accidents often happen
  22. When stopping for railroad tracks, you must stop no closer than how many feet before the nearest track?
  23. When should you check your mirrors for a lane change?
  24. When transporting passengers on charter or intercity buses, you should explain passenger comfort and safety rules
  25. Which of the following statements are true?