Crist CDL free online BVM practice tests
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After the engine compartment it is best to move to the driver's side of vehicle, and then head into the cab.

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This is true. It is best to get to the inside cab early. If you do not make it to the inside can you can automatically fail for not doing the CDL air brakes test.

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  1. After the engine compartment it is best to move to the driver's side of vehicle, and then head into the cab.
  2. At the side of the cab you should not check.
  3. The fuel and air tanks are checked for the same items except?
  4. Steps leading into the vehicle should be?
  5. Handrails should be checked for?
  6. Is it best to check the seat and the seatbelts before sitting down?
  7. The first thing you should check or do when you sit in the driver's seat is?
  8. Check your mirrors from the inside of the cab for?
  9. Items inside the cab you must make function in order to get credit for them are?
  10. The steering wheel should be checked for?
  11. Before you start the vehicle you should check?
  12. These are all gauges that will need checked except?
  13. The air pressure in a commercial vehicle should rise to governor cutout of?
  14. Which gauge should be between 12-14, and in the green?
  15. What should the water temperature gauge do when you start the vehicle?
  16. You don't have to make both the air and city horns work to get credit for them.
  17. What interior lights do you need to check?
  18. What items are part of your safety equipment?
  19. To test the parking brake you should have the trailer air supply in, trailer hand break released, and the parking brake _____?
  20. Testing the parking brake requires you to?
  21. To test the service brake test you will need to have the trailer air supply valve in, parking brake in, and the hand brake released. How do you test the service brake?
  22. The next step is the CDL air brake test. This portion is done with the engine off, but should you have air pressure built up to governor cut of 120-140?
  23. During the CDL air brakes tests the first step is to check for air leakage?
  24. To test air leakage the air valves should be?
  25. Step 1 of the CDL air brake tests makes sure the leak rate of the red and blue line is not unsafe. With the parking brake released and the brake pedal applied the leak rate should be no more than?
  26. Next you should fan the brakes down to make sure all air brake safety devices are working, but what should you do before starting to fan the brakes?
  27. While fanning down the alarm and light indicating low air pressure should come on at?
  28. Fanning the brakes down further after the alarm and buzzer come on should result in the parking brake popping out for a single vehicle, and the parking brake and the trailer air supply popping out for a combination vehicle at?
  29. Before you leave the inside can you should not check the exterior lights.
  30. Exterior lights that need checked are on which side of the vehicle?
  31. What lights will you need to check on the exterior?