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¿Que es la contradireccion?

Possible Answers:

girando el volante hacia la derecha
direccion en la direccion opuesta a lo que otros conductores esperan que hagas
uso de los frenos del eje de direccion para evitar la conduccion
girando la rueda en la direccion opuesta despues de la direccion para evitar una emergencia de trafico
girando la rueda en la direccion opuesta despues de la direccion para evitar una emergencia de trafico
Preparate para "contraatacar", es decir, para volver a girar la rueda en la otra direccion, una vez que hayas pasado lo que fuera en tu camino. Usted debe pensar en la direccion de emergencia y la contradireccion como dos partes de una accion de conduccion.

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  1. What is counter steering?
  2. You are driving on a straight, level highway at 50 mph. There are no vehicles in front of you. Suddenly a tire blows out on your vehicle. What should you do first?
  3. What is the I.P.D.E. method of driving?
  4. Which of these statements about using mirrors is true?
  5. No matter how small the cargo is, it should have at least:
  6. You have left the road in an emergency condition, it is impossible for you to come to a stop prior to returning to the road, which of the following is the best action to take?
  7. Tie downs must be of the proper type and strength. The combined strength of cargo tie downs must be strong enough to lift.
  8. Your brakes can get wet when you drive through a heavy rain. What can this cause when the brakes are applied?
  9. How far should a driver look ahead of the vehicle while driving?
  10. Which of these statements about speed management is true?
  11. You are driving a new truck with a manual transmission. What gear will you probably have to use to take a long downhill grade?
  12. How do you correct a rear wheel acceleration skid?
  13. Which of these is a good rule to follow when using a fire extinguisher?
  14. Too much weight on the steering axle can cause the following:
  15. Covering the brake means?
  16. Which of these statements about drugs is true?
  17. To prevent shifting, there should be at least one tie down for every _____ feet of cargo.
  18. Where or when should you test the stopping action of your service brakes?
  19. You are driving a heavy vehicle and must exit a highway using an off-ramp that curves downhill. You should:
  20. When should you wear seat belts?
  21. On which fires can you use the ABC fire extinguisher?
  22. Some traffic emergencies may require you to leave the road. Which of these is a good thing to remember?
  23. Dry bulk tanks require special care because:
  24. What would you use to put out a gasoline fire?
  25. Some liquid tanks are divided into several smaller tanks by:
  26. When driving a commercial vehicle with a height over 13 feet you should:
  27. You must inspect your cargo:
  28. Cargo covers:
  29. Which of these is a good rule to follow when driving at night?
  30. Stab braking:
  31. Your vehicle has hydraulic brakes. While traveling on a level road, you press the brake pedal and find that it goes to the floor. Which of these statements is true?
  32. You are driving a heavy vehicle with a manual transmission. You must stop the vehicle on the shoulder while driving on an upgrade. Which of these is a good rule to follow when putting it back in motion?
  33. If you are being tailgated, you should:
  34. You are checking your wheels and rims for a pre-trip inspection. Which of these statements is true?
  35. If you are confronted by an aggressive driver, what should you do?
  36. You don't want to be a distracted driver, so you
  37. What is a common cause of tire fires?
  38. Do empty trucks have the best braking?
  39. How far ahead should you look while driving?
  40. Which of the following should you NOT do if you experience a tire failure?
  41. What might happen if you swing wide to the left before you turn right?
  42. What will help someone who is drunk sober up?
  43. Total stopping distance equals
  44. Convex curved mirrors
  45. Containerized loads
  46. How many red reflective triangles should you carry?
  47. How does "bleeding tar" affect the road surface and driving conditions?
  48. Dry bulk tanks and hanging meat
  49. A GPS device
  50. A major cause of fatal crashes is